
  • [Ringle] How do you take your coffee? 커피를 어떻게 마시나요?
    미묘한 영어 2022. 8. 21. 07:50

    How do you take your coffee?

    It refers to what you like to put in it

    커피에 설탕, 시럽, 크림등을 어떻게 넣을거냐는 질문입니다


    I don't usually drink coffee, but on special occasions, I take it with sugar.



    move around

    가만히 있지않고 몸을 움직이다

    누군가와 상호적인 활동을 하는것이 아니고 그냥 몸을 움직인다고 하려면 move my body라고 하는것보다 move around라고 하는것이 더 자연스럽습니다


    As soon as I wake up, I move around or clean the house not to fall back asleep 



    on a regular basis

    기본적으로, 보통


    I didn't know what doctors did on a regular basis.

    의사라는 직업이 기본적으로 무슨일을 하는건지( what the daily experience is for doctors) 몰랐다


    Even if I watch TV shows in English on a regular basis, it's sometimes hard to get them without subtitles.

    보통 영어로 티비 프로그램을 시청하지만, 가끔은 자막없이는 이해하기 힘들때가 있다.

    *이해하다는 표현으로 understand 만 쓰지말고 get 을 사용하면 더 단순하고 편안한 표현이 됩니다.




    심각한, 극도로

    If the virus gets more deadly, I'm not sure we could take off masks.



    grow and evolve



    I'm open to growing and evolving.



    without fail



    Even if I forget to set an alarm, my eyes still open around 5 am without fail.



    그렇게 자주 하지는 못하지만, 꼭 지키지는 못하지만

    I don't do it as often as I'd like


    I don't do it as often as I'd like, but I've been keeping a diary lately right before bed and playing with my cat as well.




    (명사일때) 한턱, 대접, 보상 (특히 자신에게 보상이나 선물을 준다는 표현은 present 보다는 treat가 적당함)


    Though it's a guilty pleasure of mine, every Monday morning I give myself a cup of coffee as a treat.




    to make the beginning of your week busier than the end





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