파워 잉글리쉬
[Power English] point the finger, under pressure, a pat on the back파워 잉글리쉬 2022. 11. 11. 18:23
point the finger to assign blame to someone 손가락질하다, 비난하다 Are you pointing the finger at me? I didn't do anything unusual by asking her to stay late. 나를 비난하는거야? 그녀한테 늦게 일하라고 한건 그렇게 이상한일이 아니예요. A: Before I start pointing the finger, I'll give the guilty party a chance to confess. B: It was me. I'm the one who accidentally left the water running and flooded the lab. 제가 뭐라고 하기전에 잘못한 당사자에게 자백할 기회를 주겠..
[Power English] think straight, on the spot, a thing of the past, test results파워 잉글리쉬 2022. 11. 10. 18:19
think straight to have normal, reasonable thought 명쾌하게 생각하다, 또릿또릿하게 생각하다 약을 먹었거나 술이취했거나 몸이 안좋아서 혹은 사랑에 빠져서, 너무 화가나서 등의 이유로 생각을 평소대로(정상대로)못할때 부정문으로 많이 쓴다. Did he tell you why you can't think straight or focus for very long? 그가 네가 왜 똑바로 생각하거나 오랬동안 집중하기 어려운지 말해줬어? How's your head feel? That was quite a fall you took. I think I have a concussion. I can't think straight. 머리는 어때? 너 정말 크게 넘어졌어. 뇌진탕이 있는..
[Power English] show up, on the contrary, leave in a huff, When was the last tim파워 잉글리쉬 2022. 11. 10. 18:13
show upto appear or arrive 나타나다. 레스토랑에 예약 손님이 안나타나면 noshow라고 하는것 처럼 어느 장소에 모습을 드러내다라는 뜻이다. She stopped showing up to work two days ago and won't answer her phone. I can't believe you showed up at my wedding! You were the last person I expected to show up today. Eighty percent of success in life is showing up. - Woody Allen on the contraryopposite to what someone has just said 정반대로, 오히려 예상했던것과 반대..
[Power English] geared to, word of mouth, make the cut, social skills파워 잉글리쉬 2022. 11. 10. 05:00
geared to designed to meet a particular objective ~에 적합하도록 맞춘 미리 어떤 대상을 생각해놓고 만든 (소비자가 직접 주문 제작을 하는 custom 과는 다르다) I found the perfect daycare! It's geared to early education and social skills. It's geared to people who want something sturdy to ride to and from work on. This app is geared to older people trying to learn a second language. word of mouth the spoken sharing of information 입소문 어떤 상품..
[Power English] drive up(down), stock up on, go bad, bulk파워 잉글리쉬 2022. 11. 7. 20:34
drive up (down) to rapidly increase(decrease) something (물가 등을) 빠르게 끌어올리다(끌어내리다) A: I think we should start buying food in bulk to save money. B: With inflation driving up the prices of everything, it's the smart thing to do. A: There are so many computer companies competing for sales. B: That's great. It'll drive down the prices. A lack of wind and clouds is driving up the temperature. A war wi..
[Power English] slow down, a wide array of, have a taste for, as little as, proc파워 잉글리쉬 2022. 11. 5. 14:44
slow something down to decrease in speed or function 감속하다, 둔화하다, ~을 늦추다 A new study of the effects of processed foods on mental health found that as little as two cookies can slow your brain down. You look like you're going to explode. What's wrong? I just finished a 20-kilometer run. It takes a while for my heart to slow down. Please slow this car down, so we don't crash. a wide array of a grea..
[Power English] space out, get one's head in the game, take something lightly, earth to파워 잉글리쉬 2022. 11. 3. 08:18
space out 멍때리다 캠프파이어나 수족관을 보면서 멍때릴때 쓸수 있겠다. to be distracted or unfocused from the present moment Sorry, I was spacing out for a minute. I began started to space spacing out when my father started to talk, telling me about his childhood. My son is always spacing out in class. That's why his grades are so bad. get one's head in the game to focus and put one's effort into a task 일에 몰입하다, 집중하다. 우리나..
[Power English] save the best for last, take a sip of, come close to, utensils파워 잉글리쉬 2022. 10. 31. 22:42
save the best for last to reserve something very appealing until the final moment 가장 좋은걸 마지막에 남겨두다 You saved the best for last! I saved the best for last. Close your eyes and hold out your hand. take a sip of to drink a samll amount of a beverage 한모금 마시다, (음료를) 맛보다 보통 어떤지 맛을 보기 위해 살짝 마셔보는걸 말한다. Put down your utensils and take a sip of your beer. It won’t be ready for a few minutes. Take a sip of..