EBSe English News
[EBSe] euthanize, lifelineEBSe English News 2022. 10. 15. 14:38
euthanize (사람, 동물을 )안락사시키다 동물들한테는 put down이라고도 한다 An-An was euthanized at the age of 35. lifeline 생계수단, 먹고사는데 꼭필요한 수단 Government is a lifeline that provides services that they need. Glasses are a lifeline to people. We learned that soaring demand was depleting the economic lifeline. Money is a lifeline.
[EBSe] be bowled over, juice upEBSe English News 2022. 10. 14. 18:16
be bowled over (기분좋게) 깜짝 놀라다 bowled는 amazed , astounded 와 비슷한 의미이다. A routine X-ray of a painting by Vincent Van Gogh unveiled a hidden self-portrait. Experts were bowled over when they discovered the underdrawing on the back of another painting. 빈센트 반고흐의 그림에 대한 정례 엑스레이 검사에서 숨겨진 자화상이 모습을 드러냈다. 전문가들은 다른 그림의 뒷면에 있는 밑그림을 발견하고 깜짝놀랐다. Instead, it seems that Ceausescu was the one who was bowled over. ..
[EBSe] be called up, stack up (against)EBSe English News 2022. 10. 10. 08:34
be called up 소집되다, 징집되다 be summoned for military service 러시아가 러시아 자국민을 우크라이나 전쟁에 파견하기 위해 군복무 경험자를 군대로 모으고 있다. 이때 쓰는 단어가 be called up이다. One Russian journalist left St. Petersburg in early March out of fear of being called up. An additional 24,500 reservists can be called up during wartime. 전쟁중에는 24,500명의 추가 예비군이 소집될수 있습니다. The subsystems engineering team can be called up to assist the operations..
[EBSe] overlook, foremostEBSe English News 2022. 10. 7. 22:18
overloook 간과하다 부주의하거나 시간이 없어서 신경을 못쓰다라는 뜻이다. neglect, disregard와 비슷하지만 좀 다르다 neglect은 건강같이 신경을 써야 하는데 잘 못쓰는걸 말하고, disregard는 involuntary 하게 무시하는거다. Manifesta is a nomadic European exhibition held every two years in host cities that are often overlooked. If you overlook something, it means that you miss an important detail. foremost 최고의 이시대 최고의 전문가라고 할때 잘나오는 형용사이다. Dr. Jane Goodall, regarded as t..
[EBSe] pesky, ingeniousEBSe English News 2022. 9. 25. 13:16
begrudge 못마땅하게 여기다, 질투하다 You can't begrudge them the fact that they're doing exactly what they were created to do. They didn't begrudge anyone else's success or care that others had much more than they did. I fact, they admired it. pesky 성가신 명사인 nuisance(성가신대상, 골칫거리) 와 비슷한 의미인것 같다 Not just a pesky snack stealer, seagulls are a major threat to native wildlife. She can even grab a nearby branch, b..
[EBSe] catapult, baitEBSe English News 2022. 9. 22. 18:16
catapult 도약하다, 뛰어오르다 The films catapulted the success of the franchise even further. 그 영화들은 프랜차이즈의 성공을 더 힘차게 나아가게 했다. We want to help catapult you guys up to the next level. You can't feel bad in the presence of appreciation, and it will catapult you out of the negativity. It is this book that would catapult Hawking from a prominent scientist to probably the most famous scientist of his time. ba..