
  • [EBSe] impoverished 빈곤한, hospitality 서비스, 접대
    EBSe English News 2022. 11. 10. 17:57

    India has transformed from an impoverished nation/ into an emerging global power. The International Monetary Fund predicts/ the economy will expand by 7.4% this year,/ making it one of the fastest-growing in the world. But even as India's economy swells,/ so has joblessness. Only 40% of working-age Indians are employed. Despite the government’s attempts to make India into another factory of the world,/ manufacturing now employs about 30 million people,/ compared to 50 million five years ago. Industries using large numbers of workers,/ like textiles and leatherwork,/ have faltered

    인도는 빈곤 국가에서 신흥 세계 강대국으로 변신했습니다. 국제통화기금은 올해 인도 경제는 7.4% 성장해 세계에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 국가 중 하나가 될 것으로 전망하고 있습니다. 그러나 인도 경제가 성장하는 동안에 실업도 증가하고 있습니다. 노동 연령 인도인들 중 40%만 고용되어 있습니다. 인도를  또 다른 세계 공장으로 만들기 위한 정부 노력에도 불구하고 제조업은 5년 전 5천만 대비 현재 3천만 명을 고용하고 있습니다. 섬유와 가죽 (만드는) 일과 같이 대규모의 근로자를 고용하는 업종들은 흔들리고 있습니다. 


    reduced to poverty
    broke, penniliss
    한지역이 전반적으로 가난하다고 할때 주로 쓰는 형용사이다.

    How impoverished the world would have been if we didn't have the musical instrument technology in time.
    joblessness 실업
    working-age 경제활동 가능 나이, 노동연령
    falter 흔들리다, 불안정해지다 waiver, stumble



    Spain is one of the hottest European countries in summer. But Spanish offices, stores, and hospitality venues/ will no longer be allowed to set their cooling systems/ below 27 degrees Celsius in the summer. In the winter,/ heating cannot be raised above 19 degrees. In addition,/ stores must switch off their window lights after 10 pm. The government is trying to reduce the country’s gas consumption/ in line with recent EU agreements/ to limit dependency on Russian gas. The government says the measures will also bring down bills/ for households and businesses.
    스페인은 여름에 가장 더운 유럽 국가 중 하나입니다. 그러나 스페인 사무실, 상점, 그리고 접객업소들은 여름 냉방 시스템을 27도 아래로 설정하는 것이 금지될 예정입니다. 겨울 난방은 19도 이상으로 올릴 수 없습니다. 또한, 상점들은 밤 10시 이후에 윈도 조명을 꺼야만 합니다. 정부는 러시아 가스에 대한 의존도를 제한하기 위한 최근 EU 협정에 따라 국가의 가스 소비를 줄이기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 정부는 이번 조치가 가구와 사업체의 고지서를 낮추게 될 것이라고 말합니다. 





    그뒤에 주로 명사가 따라온다. (hospitality venues, hospitality business, hospitality industry ...)

    the activity or business of providing services to guests in hotels, restaurants, bars, etc.


    Other unique spaces include 13 residentially inspired hospitality suites ranging from 800 to 1400 square feet.


    Why are you in the hospitality business when it's obvious you don't even like human beings?



    switch off 전기등을 끄다, 틀다

    in line with ~에 따라 , ~와 비슷한

    bill 고지서, 계산서 

    (식당에서 내는 계산서는 영국은 bill, 미국은 check 으로 주로 쓰는반면, 공과금 고지서는 두 지역모두 bill이라고 한다)


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