
  • [EBSe] disrupt 방해하다, out of style 유행이 지난
    EBSe English News 2022. 11. 15. 13:47

    Repeated lockdowns that shut down cities/ like Shanghai and other industrial centers for weeks at a time/ have disrupted the traditional labor market in China. Covid-19 controls/ forced many factories, restaurants, and other employers to close,/ while those that survived/ cut jobs and wages. In the second quarter of 2022,/ almost two graduates competed for every job opening. The official unemployment rate in June/ for people aged 16 to 24 was nearly 20%,/ compared with 5.5% for all ages. According to a survey by a job-hunting platform,/ one-third of companies said they plan to hire fewer fresh graduates. 

    한 번에 몇 주씩 상하이나 다른 공업 중심지 도시를 폐쇄한 반복된 제재는(락다운) 중국의 전통적인 노동 시장을 와해시켰습니다. 코로나 19 통제는 수많은 공장, 식당 및 기타 고용주들이 문을 닫도록 만든 반면 살아남은 고용주들은 일자리와 임금을 삭감했습니다. 2022년 2분기에 하나의 (빈) 일자리 당 거의 두 명의 졸업생이 경쟁했습니다. 16-24세 연령층의 6월 공식 실업률은 전 연령층의 5.5% 대비 약 20%에 달했습니다. 구직 플랫폼 조사에 따르면 조사 대상 회사들 중 1/3이 신규 졸업생 고용을 줄일 계획이라고 말했습니다.   

    disrupt  방해하다, 와해시키다 

    wage 임금 

    salary는 고정된 월급(최소한 주급보다는 큰단위)을 말하지만, wage는 시간당 수당의 의미이다.

    job opening 직장의 빈 자리, 일자리 

    job hunting 구직 

    job searching이라고도 하는데 job looking이라고 하지는 않는다.


    Issey Miyake was the first foreign designer to show in Paris,/ and his name became synonymous with cutting-edge fashion in the 1980s. Miyake was best known for his micro pleating,/ which has lately enjoyed a surge in popularity/ among new and younger consumers. It was driven by his fashion philosophy/ that clothes must bestow freedom on those who wear them. Miyake often stressed that he did not consider himself a “fashion designer.” He said anything that’s in fashion goes out of style too quickly/ and that he makes clothes, not fashion. Miyake produced the black turtleneck/ that became part of the signature look of Steve Jobs. 

    미야케 이세이는 파리에서 패션쇼를 연 최초의 외국 디자이너였고 그의 이름은 1980년대 최첨단 패션과 동일시되었습니다. 미야케는 최근 새롭고 젊은 소비자들 사이에서 인기가 치솟은 마이크로 플리츠로 가장 유명합니다,  이는 옷은 입는 사람에게 자유를 줘야 한다는 그의 패션 철학에 의한 것이었습니다. 미야케는 종종 자신을 패션 디자이너로 생각하지 않는다고 강조했습니다. 그는 유행하는 모든 것은 너무 빨리 유행이 지나간다고 말하며 자신은 패션이 아닌 옷을 만든다고 했습니다.  미야케는 스티브 잡스의 특징적인 모습의 일부가 된 검은색 터틀넥을 만들었습니다. 


    be synonymous with  ~와 동일시되다, 동의어가 되다 

    BTS is synonymous with K-pop.

    BTS는 K-pop 그자체나 마찬가지다 (k pop의 대표격이다, k pop하면 떠오르는 대상이다)

    surge 급등, (갑자기) 솟아오름 


    out of style 유행에 뒤떨어진  

    반대말은 in style, fashionable 등이 된다.

    signature 특징적인, 대표적인

    signature look, signature menu등이 대표적인 활용예다.

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